Monday, February 11, 2013

Traveling with the Dietitian...Road Trip!

            Today’s article is the first in a series I’m calling “Traveling with the Dietitian” that will be focused on staying healthy while traveling.  Since most people will travel long distances by car, plane or train at some point in their life, I thought it might be helpful to give you my personal and professional strategies for eating healthy while on the move!

Part 1: Road Trip!

This week, I am driving to the Colorado Rockies from my home in Nevada.  It is about an 10-hour drive to my destination and the last thing anyone wants while on a long car trip is an upset stomach as a result of eating the wrong things.  

Besides food, -fluids- can sometimes be a problem too- either not drinking enough fluid which can cause fatigue/tiredness or on the flip-side, drinking too much fluid which means stopping to pee all the time!! 
       Fortunately, you don’t need me in the car with you in order to make healthy choices while on the road. 
        All you have to do is follow my 4 easy “Dining while Driving” tips to save time (by minimizing bathroom breaks) & money on your next road trip!!

1. Bring a cooler with snacks or sandwiches that you have made in advance: You’ll be less likely to waste money on unhealthy (processed & sugar-filled) foods at rest stops or gas stations along the way.  Some easy to pack and store snack ideas include:
  • Fruits: Bananas, grapes, sliced apples or whole cherries (be sure you have somewhere to spit out cherry seeds!)
  • Nuts or seeds: pre-portion into 1-oz servings (about a handful).  **This is really important because it’s super-easy to mindlessly eat an entire container or package and the calories add up very quickly**
  • Jessica's Road Trip Trail Mix!! - See recipe below  : )
  • Veggie sticks: Cut up some  raw carrots, celery or slice up bell peppers
  • String Cheese: look for a “light” variety or one that has less than 50 calories per string- this snack gives you a little boost of calcium as well as some hunger-fighting protein.

2. Stick to your normal eating schedule:  Don’t let a road trip turn your typical eating schedule upside-down.  Instead aim to eat around the same times you would if you were not on the road and don’t skip meals!!
  • Even if you leave early in the AM hours, don’t forget to eat breakfast
  • Same goes for overnight travel- just because you are awake and driving  at midnight, doesn’t mean you have a free pass to indulge in sugary sweets, processed foods, or high calorie drinks.

3. Choose your fluids wisely:  People often feel hungry or tired when they are actually just thirsty and dehydrated.  But don’t reach for that large coffee just yet…in fact, drinks with a lot of caffeine can do the opposite of what you’d expect and will usually make you more dehydrated and more tired than before you drank them (not good!!)
  • Pack (re-usable) bottles of plain water, zero calorie seltzer or other caffeine-free, no-calorie beverages
  • Take small, slow sips over an extended period-of time
  • Look for alternative hydration sources-Beverages are not the only way to stay hydrated; try eating water-filled fruits and veggies for a “triple-hitter” that will satisfy your hunger, thirst and boredom.
  •                --> The foods with the most fluid include: watermelon cubes, cantaloupe, honey-dew melon, broccoli spears or celery sticks.

4. Make technology work for you:  If you do decide to stop somewhere to eat, use your smart phone to look up food/restaurant options along your route and to get an idea of the calories, fat and/or ingredients in different food options
  ** Do not use your phone while driving- pull over or have your passenger look things up instead**

Most Importantly-Remember to Plan Ahead- Taking a few extra minutes to PLAN your foods before you leave is the key to making healthy choices, which will save you  both money and time.

Jessica's “Road Trip Trail Mix”

Makes 5 (1-cup- servings)

2 cups Rice Chex cereal
3 cups Popcorn
2 tbsp roasted, unsalted Soynuts
1/4 cup Raisins
2 tbsp Mini Dark Chocolate Chips
2 tbsp Honey or Agave
½ tsp Ground Cinnamon

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, then lay flat on a cookie sheet for 20-30 minutes.  Pour mixture into a plastic zip-loc bag for safe traveling and ENJOY!!

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